Champion Sporting Dogs, or for short CSD, is well known for its passion for bird hunting and its passion for bird hunting dogs. This passion has led us to pursue a very closely managed breeding/training program that desires to develop and produce superior german shorthair pointers and german wirehair pointers to be enjoyed both in the field and in the home.

We consider it a great privilege to have been blessed with so many outstanding dogs over the years, which have been such a joy to own, and such a thrill to shoot over. We recognize that for families, and individuals, the puppy they purchase will become a very integral and beloved member of their home. We do not take this lightly. Therefore, as important as strong drive and excellent field performance is crucial to our breeding program, so too, is a very biddable and loving temperament. We assess many dogs before choosing the right two for breeding. This is very time consuming and costly but proves itself inproducing exceptionally high quality dogs.

There are many factors that go into the assessment process, things such as health, intelligence, conformation, biddability, drive and desire, confidence, and an over all love for people and the adventures that we pursue. Champion Sporting Dogs also understands that we all share differing passions for the outdoors, so in our breeding program we desire a puppy that will adapt and enjoy a wide variety of outdoor pursuits, not only enjoy, but excel at.

It is amazing how quickly time goes by. From its very humble beginnings of two brothers needing a couple of good dogs to share our love for the outdoors and for bird hunting, CSD has grown into a wonderfully unique facility that raises exceptional dogs, provides a wide variety of training birds, including pheasant, chukar, quail and pigeon, and offers excellent training grounds for the upland dog. We invest a tremendous amount of time, energy, and resources into providing the discriminating client with the very best puppy possible.

You will find at CSD that we are straightforward, honest, and that we stand behind the pups we produce. Our greatest desire is that others might share and enjoy the same incredible experiences that we have with our dogs. We look forward to hearing back from those who have purchased a pup, getting to share in the enjoyment that they are having with a wonderful CSD puppy.

Finally, we believe the most rewarding part of owning a sporting dog is the pure joy of the dog’s company and a lifetime of true friendship both in the field and in the home.
Remember that a good dog doesn’t happen by accident. It takes time, devotion, and effort to produce a great family dog. It starts at Champion Sporting Dogs!

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